Patryk Kuleta, PhD

Research Assistant

2017 PhD (Biophysics); Jagiellonian University

2011 MSc (Biophysics); Jagiellonian University



Room: A026
Phone: 12 664 65 90
e-mail: patryk.kuleta(at)

Work experience

2011 Department of Molecular Biophysics, Jagiellonian University

2010 – 2011 MSc; Department of Biophysics; Jagiellonian University

09-10. 2014 intership in prof. Petera Brzeziński's lab; Stockholm University

6.09 - 5.10.2014 Intership "Society - Environment - Technology" Project of the Jagiellonian University Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund


  1. Bujnowicz Ł., Borek A., Kuleta P., Osyczka A., (2018) Suppression of superoxide production by a spin-spin coupling between semiquinone and Rieske cluster. FEBS Lett. in press
  2. Postila, P.A., Kaszuba, K., Kuleta, P., Vattulainen, I., Sarewicz, M., Osyczka, A., Róg, T. (2016) Atomistic determinants of co-enzyme Q reduction at the Qi-site of the cytochrome bc1 complex Sci. Rep. 6, 33607
  3. Kuleta, P., Sarewicz, M., Postila, P., Róg, T., Osyczka, A. (2016) Identifying involvement of Lys251/Asp252 pair in electron transfer and associated proton transfer at the quinone reduction site of Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1 BBA Bioenergetics 1857, 10, 1661-1668
  4. Ekiert, E., Borek, A., Kuleta, P., Czernek, J., Osyczka, A. (2016) Mitochondrial disease-related mutations at the cytochrome b-iron-sulfur protein (ISP) interface: Molecular effects on the large-scale motion of ISP and superoxide generation studied in Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1. BBA Bioenergetics
  5. Pintscher, S., Kuleta, P., Cieluch, E., Sarewicz, M., Osyczka, A. (2016) Tuning of hemes b equilibrium redox potential is not required for cross-membrane electron transfer. J Biol Chem 291, 6872-6881 
  6. Borek, A., Kuleta, P., Ekiert, R., Pietras, R., Sarewicz, M., Osyczka, A. (2015) Mitochondrial Disease-related Mutation G167P in Cytochrome b of Rhodobacter capsulatus Cytochrome bc1 (S151P in Human) Affects the Equilibrium Distribution of [2Fe-2S] Cluster and Generation of Superoxide. J Biol Chem 290, 23781-23792
  7. Jakubowska M, Michalczyk-Wetula D, Pyka J, Susz A, Urbanska K, Płonka BK, Kuleta P, Łącki P, Krzykawska-Serda M, Fiedor L, Płonka PM. (2013) Nitrosylhemoglobin in photodynamically stressed human tumors growing in nude mice, Nitric Oxide. 35, 79-88
  8. Pintscher S, Kuleta P, Bujnowicz Ł, Sarewicz M, Osyczka A. (2014) Molecular mechanisms of catalytic reactions and superoxide production by cytochrome bc1 complex, Postepy Biochem. 60(3), 285-94